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      Chia seeds to the kg 103014250/kg Grizo 10,00 € Ornibird
          Chia seeds to the kg 103014250/kg Grizo 10,00 € Ornibird
              Graines Ornibird au kg
              The Chia is a sage. It is an annual plant that can reach 1 m in height, whose scientific name is Salvia hispanica The composition of the seed of chia closely approximates that of the other seeds mucilaginous, such as flax seeds and psyllium.
              10 items
              Chia seeds to the kg 103014250/kg Grizo 10,00 € Ornibird
                  Graines Ornibird au kg
                  The Chia is a sage. It is an annual plant that can reach 1 m in height, whose scientific name is Salvia hispanica The composition of the seed of chia closely approximates that of the other seeds mucilaginous, such as flax seeds and psyllium.
                  10 items
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                    Rouleau De Graisse 350gr Dans Un Récipient Recyclé - Kinlys 14946 Kinlys 3,55 € Ornibird
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                      Rouleau De Graisse 350gr Dans Un Récipient Recyclé - Kinlys 14946 Kinlys 3,55 € Ornibird
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                        28 items
                        Rouleau De Graisse 350gr Dans Un Récipient Recyclé - Kinlys 14946 Kinlys 3,55 € Ornibird
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                              Flax seeds to the kg 103039250/kg Grizo 3,45 € Ornibird
                                  Flax seeds to the kg 103039250/kg Grizo 3,45 € Ornibird
                                      Graines Ornibird au kg
                                      The Flax seed is composed of 40 to 45% oil and 25% protein. The flax seed keeps very well. It contains, in particular, two fatty acids of which the names are close (and whose root is the word "lin"), the a-linolenic acid (an omega 3) and linoleic acid.
                                      9 items
                                      Flax seeds to the kg 103039250/kg Grizo 3,45 € Ornibird
                                          Graines Ornibird au kg
                                          The Flax seed is composed of 40 to 45% oil and 25% protein. The flax seed keeps very well. It contains, in particular, two fatty acids of which the names are close (and whose root is the word "lin"), the a-linolenic acid (an omega 3) and linoleic acid.
                                          9 items
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                                            Unifeed Chardonnerets Vita Light 5kg - L.O.R. LOR-CHAR-LIGHT-5 L.O.R. 29,95 € Ornibird
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                                              Unifeed Chardonnerets Vita Light 5kg - L.O.R. LOR-CHAR-LIGHT-5 L.O.R. 29,95 € Ornibird
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                                                13 items
                                                Unifeed Chardonnerets Vita Light 5kg - L.O.R. LOR-CHAR-LIGHT-5 L.O.R. 29,95 € Ornibird
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                                                      Germix Exotique 4kg ES005  26,15 € Ornibird
                                                          Germix Exotique 4kg ES005  26,15 € Ornibird
                                                              Germix Exotic is a mixture of the seeds already sprouted is specially designed for exotic birds. The use of the GERMIX allows the farmer to administer all safety-germinated seeds to their birds by eliminating the waiting time for the preparation of the products and eliminating the risk of disease. And that preserve the nutritional properties of sprouted seeds fresh.
                                                              13 items
                                                              Germix Exotique 4kg ES005  26,15 € Ornibird
                                                                  Germix Exotic is a mixture of the seeds already sprouted is specially designed for exotic birds. The use of the GERMIX allows the farmer to administer all safety-germinated seeds to their birds by eliminating the waiting time for the preparation of the products and eliminating the risk of disease. And that preserve the nutritional properties of sprouted seeds fresh.
                                                                  13 items
                                                                      Millet rouge en grappes Anjou 1kg 103076011 Kinlys 14,25 € Ornibird
                                                                          Millet rouge en grappes Anjou 1kg 103076011 Kinlys 14,25 € Ornibird
                                                                              The millet fits in the diet of all birds : a straight nose and hooked beaks. In a cluster, it is a delicacy that they love. The millet in the cluster has a good content of protein and carbohydrates and it also contains a large number of amino acids. Ideal to entertain your birds and thus...
                                                                              13 items
                                                                              Millet rouge en grappes Anjou 1kg 103076011 Kinlys 14,25 € Ornibird
                                                                                  The millet fits in the diet of all birds : a straight nose and hooked beaks. In a cluster, it is a delicacy that they love. The millet in the cluster has a good content of protein and carbohydrates and it also contains a large number of amino acids. Ideal to entertain your birds and thus...
                                                                                  13 items
                                                                                  Oiseaux du Ciel - Ornibird, mélange pour les oiseaux de la nature au kg 700125/kg Private Label - Ornibird 1,60 € Ornibird
                                                                                      8 items
                                                                                      Oiseaux du Ciel - Ornibird, mélange pour les oiseaux de la nature au kg 700125/kg Private Label - Ornibird 1,60 € Ornibird
                                                                                          Canaris 800gr, mélange de graines enrichi en granulés VAM - Prestige Premium 421171 Prestige 6,10 € Ornibird
                                                                                              Canaris 800gr, mélange de graines enrichi en granulés VAM - Prestige Premium 421171 Prestige 6,10 € Ornibird