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Tous les produits pour oiseaux de cages et de volières, pigeons et volailles.


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    Denta Fun Chicken Taco Boeuf/Poulet, en vrac - Trixie 31399 Trixie 3,00 € Ornibird
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      Denta Fun Chicken Taco Boeuf/Poulet, en vrac - Trixie 31399 Trixie 3,00 € Ornibird
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        46 items
        Denta Fun Chicken Taco Boeuf/Poulet, en vrac - Trixie 31399 Trixie 3,00 € Ornibird
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              Fountain spout 200 cc blue 7x15cm C003B/A S.T.A. Soluzioni 0,75 € Ornibird
                  Fountain spout 200 cc blue 7x15cm C003B/A S.T.A. Soluzioni 0,75 € Ornibird
                      Trough, spout, plastic. It prevents the formation of algae in the water (blue).
                      46 items
                      Fountain spout 200 cc blue 7x15cm C003B/A S.T.A. Soluzioni 0,75 € Ornibird
                          Trough, spout, plastic. It prevents the formation of algae in the water (blue).
                          46 items
                          Mangeoire anti-gaspillage pour perroquets Recupera - 2G-R ART-430 2G-R 9,10 € Ornibird
                              Mangeoire anti-gaspillage pour perroquets Recupera - 2G-R ART-430 2G-R 9,10 € Ornibird
                                  45 items
                                  Mangeoire anti-gaspillage pour perroquets Recupera - 2G-R ART-430 2G-R 9,10 € Ornibird
                                          Rouleau pour fond de cage 50cm 6107B Private Label - Ornibird 19,00 € Ornibird
                                              Rouleau pour fond de cage 50cm 6107B Private Label - Ornibird 19,00 € Ornibird
                                                  Paper roll for your battery farmed, and your cages. Use for cages with rollers. Makes it easier to clean. Paper very absorbent. Roll width : 50cm Roll length: +/- 65m Paper asphalt 1 face-90GR Roll outer diameter: 9cm Chuck in carton: 3.2 cm Packed by 6 rolls with foil polypro
                                                  45 items
                                                  Rouleau pour fond de cage 50cm 6107B Private Label - Ornibird 19,00 € Ornibird
                                                      Paper roll for your battery farmed, and your cages. Use for cages with rollers. Makes it easier to clean. Paper very absorbent. Roll width : 50cm Roll length: +/- 65m Paper asphalt 1 face-90GR Roll outer diameter: 9cm Chuck in carton: 3.2 cm Packed by 6 rolls with foil polypro
                                                      45 items
                                                      Vega Powder 100gr - Complex, hyper-concentrated vitamins - Red Pigeon for birds 31150 Red Animals 8,90 € Ornibird
                                                          VEGA POWDER of Red Animals is a complex hyper-concentrated vitamins, amino acids, oligo-elements and mineral salts. It is used during the breeding, moulting or the competition at a rate of 15gr per kg of seeds (to mix with PREMIUM OIL) or 30g per kg of mash (mix with METABOLYT).
                                                          15 items
                                                          Vega Powder 100gr - Complex, hyper-concentrated vitamins - Red Pigeon for birds 31150 Red Animals 8,90 € Ornibird
                                                              VEGA POWDER of Red Animals is a complex hyper-concentrated vitamins, amino acids, oligo-elements and mineral salts. It is used during the breeding, moulting or the competition at a rate of 15gr per kg of seeds (to mix with PREMIUM OIL) or 30g per kg of mash (mix with METABOLYT).
                                                              15 items
                                                              Trough depression without ball Genio 100cc - S. T. A. Soluzioni C014B/A S.T.A. Soluzioni 3,50 € Ornibird
                                                                  Trough depression without ball Genio 100cc - S. T. A. Soluzioni C014B/A S.T.A. Soluzioni 3,50 € Ornibird
                                                                      Trough Genio to depression 100ml without a ball, working in various positions (vertical or horizontal). Disposal of the water by simple gravity. The trough is designed in such a way that the water flows in contact with the beak of the bird. Hygiene of drinking water is maintained for longer. Leave to soak for 30 minutes in hot water before first use .
                                                                      45 items
                                                                      Trough depression without ball Genio 100cc - S. T. A. Soluzioni C014B/A S.T.A. Soluzioni 3,50 € Ornibird
                                                                          Trough Genio to depression 100ml without a ball, working in various positions (vertical or horizontal). Disposal of the water by simple gravity. The trough is designed in such a way that the water flows in contact with the beak of the bird. Hygiene of drinking water is maintained for longer. Leave to soak for 30 minutes in hot water before first use .
                                                                          45 items
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                                                                            Boulette aux nerfs de bœuf, en vrac - Trixie 2704A Trixie 1,30 € Ornibird
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                                                                              Boulette aux nerfs de bœuf, en vrac - Trixie 2704A Trixie 1,30 € Ornibird
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                                                                                44 items
                                                                                Boulette aux nerfs de bœuf, en vrac - Trixie 2704A Trixie 1,30 € Ornibird
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                                                                                    Denta Fun Chicken Chewing Ring, en vrac 10cm - Trixie 313281 Trixie 4,50 € Ornibird
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                                                                                      Denta Fun Chicken Chewing Ring, en vrac 10cm - Trixie 313281 Trixie 4,50 € Ornibird
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                                                                                        44 items
                                                                                        Denta Fun Chicken Chewing Ring, en vrac 10cm - Trixie 313281 Trixie 4,50 € Ornibird
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